Custom Homebuilders' Solutions (CHS)
Accounting, Job Costing & Management Software For Construction

CONSTRUCTION accounting, job costing, & management SOFTWARE


All-in-one full-fledged Accounting Software designed to bring your entire team together for best profit results!

We were so frustrated with QuickBooks. Since we switched to CHS, our problems are solved. We no longer need to maintain all those Excel spreadsheets.” Custom Crafted Homes

Find out why our builders say CHS Is Their Best Kept Secret!

  • From Budget Estimates, Documents Storage, & Proposals that get the job

  • To Purchase Orders and Change Orders effects on Estimated Job Costs

  • To instant revisions of your expected Job Costs, Variances, & Gross Profits

  • To up-front Overage Alerts, Doc Uploads, & Notes when posting payables

  • To online Job Cost Approvals by the construction team before payment

  • To revised Contract Balances & Outstanding To Pay

  • To Job Billing Draw Requests & Revenues Received

  • To WIP Reports & Percentage Of Completion Calculations

  • To Cash Balances, Trial Balances, and Financials BY JOB

  • To tools for Closing The Jobs

  • To Company & Department Financials & General Ledgers


Construction Accounting IS Complex so don’t make it any harder than it has to be!

Unlike generic accounting software, Custom Homebuilders' Solutions (CHS) understands how to handle Job Estimates, Change Orders, Purchase Orders, incurred Actual Job Costs, Billings based on contract types, Job Revenues, and Job Cash Flow. It seamlessly brings these elements together for immediate evaluation and approval, eliminating the need for double data entry into spreadsheets.

CHS provides a comprehensive solution for managing job costs and revenues, along with all the accounting features and financial statements needed for your entire business. From budget proposals to project completion, CHS keeps your entire team on one platform, saving time and preventing errors. With role-based permissions, everyone can work in their area of expertise and access real-time information. Give your team a place to communicate without constant back office to field interruptions!

CHS offers tutorials, tips, search features, and robust reports to turn accounting into a daily 'best friend' for your business.

CHS’s powerful construction accounting and job costing software for professional home builders can be a trusted partner, keeping you informed, delighting your customers, and driving your business forward!

Feel free to call us at (512) 971-1069 or reach out to our On-Staff Builder at (512) 788-1333. With CHS, there's no need for constant follow-ups to get you to sign up. We believe in letting our software speak for itself and focusing on developing streamlined solutions for you. Watch our videos on this page and in our Free Seminar tutorials. Check out our affordable fees with no locked-in contract, take your time to ensure CHS is a good fit, and SIGN UP when you're ready!

We have been using CHS for over 12 years now, on the build side of our design-build architecture firm. By far, the best feature of this software is the ability to have the job cost/ profit management and the accounting all in the same place. No need to sync with, or export to another accounting software. I have searched over the years and I have not found another software that can singularly provide both of these functions.
— Charles Kraus - Architect Led - Design/Build

Custom Homebuilders’ Solutions (CHS) is a specialized online, affordable, construction accounting, and job costing software that also includes field & profit management tools to transform accounting from a headache into your most important asset.

Bring your team, customers, and vendors together ONLINE for a seamless information flow from start to finish of your projects. You can set different permission levels to control what features and data each user can access.

VIDEO BELOW: CHS Team Collaboration Part 1 - For The Builder, Estimator, Purchasing, & The Project Manager

VIDEO for CHS Team Collaboration Part 2 - For The Accounting Team - COMING SOON! For now, you can watch our more extensive videos about how CHS Tackles The Complex & Unique Construction Accounting Needs Of Home Builders

There is no other product more tailored to the custom home builder than this product. I highly recommend it.”
— Trey Garner - Garner Custom Homes
This software is unique in the industry with its ability to gather all financial data for a project and give an accurate summary report of job costs, change orders, AP, AR, cash flow and profitability - one one page. No more gathering raw data and crunching numbers to come up with these answers.
— Kathie Maughan Francis - Maughan Design & Remodel

Make better decisions and plan ahead more effectively! With construction accounting & management software, you can quickly check how much money you've spent, earned, and have on hand for each job. You can also see contract balances, outstanding costs, and where your profits are headed, all in one place.

Can you tell your home buyers how much more they have left to pay on their projects? Watch the video to learn about different Contract Types, the difference between profit margins and markup, AND our real-time Contract Balance Reports.

Click This for a free tool! calculate what MARKUP to use and learn what the difference between a markup percent and margin percent is!

The hour-long video below about WHY CHS? provides in-depth insights into how CHS manages its processes and integrates tools for owners, accounting, and field operations. Understand the nuts and bolts of our approach. No more spreadsheets!

I highly recommend that you consider CHS if you are looking for home building specific software with great accounting and job costing capabilities.
— John Phillips - Phillips Homes

Help your accounting team become major players in Shaping Your Business Towards Success.

Say goodbye to your old accounting software and hello to real-time results with CHS.

We have all the setup steps & tutorials to guide you AND your team through the conversion process.

FREE SEMINAR! (A full review of all of our features in your own time! Have your team watch the ones they will use.)

Review the Fees AND SIGN UP! OR Contact Us With Questions or for a demo!

WHAT TO EXPECT when you start using CHS: Watch video below for info on Setup, Help, Navigation, and User Permissions.

Other IntroDUCTION Videos:

FREE SEMINAR! (A full review of all of our features in your own time! Have your team watch the ones they will use.)


You Will Be In Good Company With Other CHS Subscribers! See more….

Charles Kraus:

“I would highly recommend Custom Homebuilder's Solution (CHS) for any size residential construction company. We have been using CHS for over 12 years now, on the build side of our design-build architecture firm. By far, the best feature of this software is the ability to have the job accounting/management and the bookkeeping all in the same place. No need to sync with, or export to another accounting software. I have searched over the years and I have not found another software ….more

  • Your data is stored in a separate database, secured by your unique user ids (that you should protect).

    The system and database is hosted on The private dedicated server is behind a firewall that only technical support staff can access. The server is RAID configured to ensure that if a drive fails, the backup drive will instantly take over. Rackspace staff will be alerted immediately and will swap out a failed drive with a replacement. NOTE! In the 10+ years that we have hosted with Rackspace, there has NEVER been a drive failure!

    Incremental encrypted backups are performed on a daily basis, with a full encrypted backup weekly.

    The server is configured with security Essentials Armor

    On a daily basis your data is checked for data integrity issues, which are VERY rare. CHS support staff is notified immediately and will take care of any issues.

  • Yes, CHS is web based so works in browsers used on PC’s or Macs. This means you can work while in the field, traveling, at home, or in the office.

  • Yes, CHS is based on a standard double entry accounting system, as is QB. There are financials, general ledgers, etc., that any CPA can understand. Tell them you need the information CHS produces FOR builders. And ask them to watch our accounting videos.

    AND, ask them how long it takes to get info about how much is in each general ledger account for each job. Then tell them that CHS has a Trial Balance that groups by GL account, then by job with outstanding drill down features. AND, if they do percentage of completion accounting for you, tell them it’s a cinch in CHS. AND tell them that CHS gathers the numbers for closing a job, and provides tools for posting the job closing journal entry!

  • The length of time it takes to set up CHS depends on whether you have the right people in the right seats, have set aside time for them to focus on setup, and on the condition of your current books. CHS provides step-by-step setup tutorials to get started. Builders do get started on creating estimates or proposals within a couple of days because they can load the recommended NAHB cost centers, if they like, set up a job, and dive in.

  • Yes, there are 5 levels of permission for users. Level 1 has access to everything, which is probably the boss and the controller. Level 2 has access to everything, but cannot change major accounting things, like the Chart of Accounts, etc. Level 3 would be for a data entry clerk that can post payables and deposits, etc., but not journal entries, for example. Level 4 is a similar to Level 3 but cannot see payroll records. Level 5 is generally for the field and does not have access to the accounting features.

Replace your accounting software with CHS!

Click FREE SEMINAR! (A full review of all of our features in your own time! Have your team watch the ones they will use.)

Review the Fees AND SIGN UP! OR Contact Us With Questions or for a demo!

You’ll be in GOOD company with other CHS Subscribers…